InfoComm Asia 2024今日開幕,HUAIN華音邀您共同探索東南亞市場
來源:HUAIN華音電子 編輯:ZZZ 2024-07-18 09:39:54 加入收藏 咨詢

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數字化的浪潮席卷全球,全球視聽市場日新月異,面對復雜多變的市場環境,東南亞唯一的區域性專業視聽盛會——infoComm Asia展會于2024年7月17-19日在泰國曼谷舉辦。

With the wave of digitalization sweeping the world, the global audiovisual market is changing with each passing day. Facing the complex and changing market environment, infoComm Asia, the only regional professional audiovisual event in Southeast Asia, was held in Bangkok, Thailand, on July 17th-19th, 2024.
The value of this event is not only the exhibition itself, but also to promote the upstream and downstream cooperation of the industrial chain, helping to build the full value chain platform of the audiovisual industry, which is one of the annual events that many solution seekers look forward to.
International well-known brands gathered, cross-international communication technology and solutions
infoComm Asia展會涵蓋了中國、泰國、美國、日本、韓國、新加坡等多個國家,共有來自全球各地120多家企業和機構參展,現場人群涌動,展位上各式各樣的視聽產品吸引著人們駐足了解,氣氛十分熱烈。
在展會上,HUAIN憑借其創新性的視聽產品和解決方案吸引了眾多業內人士的關注。沉淀于視聽行業九年之久的HUAIN以“中華之音,全球共響” 為主題,攜帶5G無線會議系統、有線會議系統等設備產品,在D41展位 精彩亮相。
infoComm Asia covers China, Thailand, the United States, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and other countries, a total of more than 120 companies and institutions from all over the world to participate in the exhibition, the scene of the crowd, a variety of audiovisual products on the booth attracted people to stop to understand, the atmosphere is very warm.
At the exhibition, HUAIN attracted the attention of many industry insiders with its innovative audiovisual products and solutions. HUAIN, which has been in the audio-visual industry for nine years, with the theme of "Chinese Voice, HUAIN Makes", carried 5G wireless conference system, wired conference system and other equipment products, and made a wonderful appearance at the D41 booth.

At the exhibition site, HUAIN's innovative, intelligent and audiovisual products attracted many spectators, and customers came to consult and negotiate in an endless stream. HUAIN staff carefully introduced products and services to users visiting the exhibition, and guided users to experience the conference effect. Many on-site users expressed their affirmation of the product.

HUAIN made a heavy debut to show the world "Chinese wisdom"
中國企業走出去,首先要打好品牌,才能打響品牌,HUAIN為助力“中國智造”走向世界,成為有價值的國際品牌,早在成立初期就已經開始部署。自2015年成立,HUAIN聚焦教育、政企、醫療三大行業,實現領先的互聯網 + 技術與實際應用場景深度融合,是行業內領先的智能音視頻會議系統整體解決方案提供商,是全球領先的現代會議系統設備研發制造廠商。
When Chinese enterprises go out, they must first build a good brand in order to build a brand. In order to help "China's intelligent manufacturing" go to the world and become a valuable international brand, HUAIN has begun to deploy as early as the early days of its establishment. Since its establishment in 2015, HUAIN has focused on the three major industries of education, government and enterprise, and medical care, and realized the deep integration of leading Internet + technology and practical application scenarios. Huain is the leading overall solution provider of intelligent audio and video conferencing system in the industry, and the world's leading R&D manufacturer of modern conference system equipment.

面對充滿機遇與挑戰的海內外市場,HUAIN以敏銳的海內外市場洞察力、穩定的供應鏈實力,為品牌出海提供強有力的保障。目前,HUAIN已經在全國各地設立了34個辦事處,服務了全球30+多個國家和地區 ,得到了廣泛用戶的認可和信賴,為提升HUAIN品牌的全球影響力奠定了牢固的基石。本次展會上,HUAIN的亮眼表現也是在向世界展示“中國制造”的魅力。
Facing the domestic and overseas markets full of opportunities and challenges, HUAIN provides a strong guarantee for the brand to go overseas with its keen insight into the domestic and overseas markets and stable supply chain strength. At present, HUAIN has set up 34 offices across the country, serving more than 30 countries and regions around the world, and has been recognized and trusted by a wide range of users, laying a solid foundation for enhancing the global influence of HUAIN brand. At this exhibition, HUAIN's brilliant performance is also showing the charm of "Made in China" to the world.

Desktop Paperless Meeting Tablet

· 13.3寸高清電容觸摸屏,支持1920×1080分辨率,內置安卓系統
· 內置2W監聽小喇叭,話筒開自動關閉,不易產生嘯叫、音質清晰
· 獨特腔體與拾音設計,內置高保真9.7毫米鍍金電容式拾音頭
· 優質全鋁結構及CNC精雕加工,整體精致、輕便、美觀、大氣
· 13.3-inch HD capacitive touch screen, support 1920×1080 resolution, built-in Android system
· Built-in 2W monitor small speaker, microphone open automatically close, not easy to produce whistling, clear sound quality
· Unique cavity and pickup design, built-in high fidelity 9.7mm gold plated capacitor pickup head
· High quality aluminum structure and CNC fine carving processing, the overall exquisite, lightweight, beautiful, atmospheric

The system has a variety of meeting modes to choose from, including free discussion mode, FIFO mode, limited number mode, voice activated mode, Chairman permission (speech application) mode, last in first out mode, limited time mode, queued mode.

· 超聲波雷達防竊密技術 · 內置超聲波混頻器
· 智能音頻檢測 · 超強抗干擾能力
· 360°全向聲學屏蔽設計 · 防水防塵功能
· 高靈敏度拾音 · DSP/DDOV技術
· Anti-theft technology of ultrasonic radar
· Built-in ultrasonic mixer
· Intelligent audio detection
· Strong anti-interference ability
· 360° omnidirectional acoustic shield design
· Waterproof and dustproof function
· High sensitivity pickup
· DSP/DDOV technology

本系統是專為發言討論、攝像跟蹤、超聲波衍射、時鐘顯示、會議服務等多功能于一體所設計的數字會議系統 ,單臺會議主機具有最大容量為240臺數字式會議單元的會議管理系統,通過會議擴展主機可連接 76800 臺會議單元,系統可支持超聲波干涉與衍射技術,可具備防竊密功能 , 避免非正常錄音設備的音頻錄制及通訊音頻外泄。
This system is designed for speech discussion, camera tracking, ultrasonic diffraction, clock display, conference services and other functions in one digital conference management system, a single conference host has a maximum capacity of 240 digital conference units, 76800 conference units can be connected through the conference expansion host. The system can support ultrasonic interference and diffraction technology, and can have anti-theft function to avoid the audio recording and communication audio leakage of abnormal recording equipment
We will continue to invite you on the 18th and 19th