招 標 公 告
1. 貴州省織金洞風景名勝區管理局的《貴州省織金洞燈光改造項目》,已由主管部門批準建設。現決定對該項目的設計及施工進行公開招標,擇優選定承包人。
2. 招標工程項目基本情況:
2.1工程建設地點: 織金縣官寨鄉織金洞內
3. 招標范圍:洞內現開放景區(長約
4. 凡具備承擔本招標項目的能力并具備規定的資格條件的設計及施工企業,均可對本招標項目向招標人提出投標申請。
5. 投標人須是同時具備建設行政主管部門核發的照明工程設計專項甲級或建筑工程設計甲級設計資質、機電安裝工程施工總承包二級或城市及道路照明工程專業承包企業二級及以上資質的法人或其他組織。
6. 投標報名
6.1 投標報名時間為2010年 1月12日14: 30—17: 30。
6.3報名應提交資料:1、企業資質證書副本原件;2、營業執照副本原件;3、安全生產許可證副本原件; 4、法定代表人身份證明或授權委托書原件;5、單位介紹信(被介紹人必須是被委托人)。報名時驗原件同時提交上述資料的一份復印件(加蓋法人公章及法定代表人印章)。
7. 投標文件必須經密封后,在2010年2月22日10時前送達招標人(委托招標的,送達招標代理機構)。不符合規定的或遲到的投標文件將被拒絕。
8. 有關本項目投標的事宜,請與招標人或招標代理機構聯系。
地 址:織金縣官寨鄉 郵政編碼:552100
聯系人:何禮全 劉志榮 電 話:13985354963、13908577318
地 址:貴陽市中山東路128號 郵政編碼:550001
電 話:0851—8642598、5611523 傳 真:0851—5611915
聯系人:王庭金 婁建
Bidding Announcement
Agent Bid Invitation No.: HFZB2009/102
1. The “Lighting Renovation Project of Zhijin Cave of Guizhou Province” carried out by the Administration Bureau of Zhijin Cave National Scenic Area is approved to start construction by relevant competent authorities. This Announcement is for inviting public bidding for the design and construction of the above-mentioned project, as well as selecting excellent contractors.
2. Basic information of the bidding project:
2.1 Project location: inside Zhijin Cave of Guanzhai Township in
2.2 Information of the bidding project:
2.2.1 Project scale: renovation for power transmission & distribution system, landscape lighting system and monitoring system of the open scenic region (with a length of about
2.2.2 Requirements: Colors of lights mainly include white, blue and yellow, adhering to the principle of “apply properly intensive lights according to various situations”. Light shall be not dazzling through combination of dynamic and static effects, showing a natural scenery. Lighting devices shall be damp-proof, corrosion-resistant, lightning-protecting, energy-saving and environmental-friendly. Landscape light and footlights on promenade shall be under sectional control by advanced electronic control system and machine control system. Wires for lighting devices shall be concealed. The design shall embody properties of innovativeness, energy-conservation, safety and flexibility. The whole system shall be easily maintained and managed. Lighting effects shall be up to the world advanced standard.
2. 3 Total planned investment & sources of funds: the total investment is planned to be around 15 million Yuan from both national special funds and proprietor’s self-raised funds
2.4 Proposed commencement date: February 1st, 2010; project duration: one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days.
2.5 Project quality shall conform to the “Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Engineering”.
3. Bidding Extension: designing (including 3-D animation schemes) and construction (design & construction general contracting) for power transmission & distribution system, landscape lighting system and electric control system(Including Lightning protection) of the current open scenic region (with a length of about
4. Design and construction enterprises which has capacity for undertaking this project and possesses the stipulated qualifications can submit a bidding application to the bid invitation party of this project.
5. Bidders must be legal person or other organizations that have acquired both the National A-grade Design Qualification for Special Illuminating Engineering released by Construction Administrative Department and general contracting qualification class-2 of electromechanical equipment installation engineering (or specialist contracting qualification class-2 of urban and road lighting engineering).
Foreign Bidders must have the Qualification for contracting for construction projects released by Construction Administrative Department of The People's Republic of China.
6. Bid entry
6.1 Entry time for bid: 14:30-17:30, January 12 , 2010.
6.2 Application location:
6.3 Application documents: 1. original duplicate of Qualification Certificate; 2. original duplicate of Business License; 3. original duplicate of Licence of Safe Production; 4. original identity certificates of legal representative or power of attorney; 5. introduction letter of the unit (person who is introduced must be the attorney). Applied bidders must provide copies of the above-mentioned documents (affixed with the official seal of legal person and legal representative) simultaneously when the original ones are verified for the application.
6.4 Bidders can purchase bidding documents at the application registration location within the valid application duration. Each bidding document sells for Renminbi two thousand Yuan.
7. Bid documents must be sealed and delivered to the bid invitation party (or bidding agency in case in authorized bidding) by 10:00,February 22,2010. Bid documents that do not in conformity with the prescriptions or fail to deliver within the given time will not be accepted.
8. For affairs involved with the bidding project please contact the bid invitation party or bidding agency.
Bid invitation unit: Administration Bureau of Zhijin Cave National Scenic Area
Contact: He Li Quan,Liu Zhirong Mobile Phone: 13985354963/13908577318
Bidding agency: Guiyang Huifeng Engineering Intermediation Services Co., Ltd.
Address: No.128,
Tel: 0851-8642598/5611523 Fax: 0851-5611915
Contact: Wang Tingjin, Lou Jian
January 6 , 2010