國義招標股份有限公司受招標人委托對下列產品及服務進行國際公開競爭性招標,于2018-06-20在中國國際招標網公告。 本次招標采用傳統招標方式,現邀請合格投標人參加投標。
序號 產品名稱 數量 簡要技術規格 備注
1 32信道主備機VHF系統 1批 詳見第八章《貨物需求一覽表及技術規格》
2 16信道主備機VHF系統 1批 詳見第八章《貨物需求一覽表及技術規格》
3 4信道主備機VHF系統 1批 詳見第八章《貨物需求一覽表及技術規格》
4 6信道主備機VHF系統 1批 詳見第八章《貨物需求一覽表及技術規格》
投標人應具備的資格或業績:1)投標人必須是從事相關設備生產與銷售十年以上的獨立制造廠商、或制造廠商正式直接授權針對該項目的唯一銷售代理(代理商需提供相應的代理授權證明文件,包括英文原件復印件及相應的中文翻譯件,同時應提供同類產品銷售或安裝業績)。 2)投標人名稱應與招標代理機構的購標登記表上的名稱一致,否則其投標文件將予以拒絕接受。 3)本項目不允許聯合體投標。 4)所投設備生產商必須是從事相關設備生產10年以上的合法廠商。同類產品必須具有3年以上(含3年)的國際市場銷售史,至少在中國民航有3個成功使用過16信道或者以上主備機配置共用系統產品的成功使用案例,并具有良好的質量銷售、售后服務的信譽。(投標人需提供銷售合同和用戶使用證明復印件,銷售合同必須以簽訂時間計算。銷售合同和用戶使用證明需能反映上述時間及規格等要求) 5)對于參加投標的產品,投標文件中必須附有有效的中華人民共和國無線電管理委員會辦公室核發的“無線電發射設備型號核準證”。并提供相應的復印件。 6)所投設備必須獲得中國民用航空局空中交通管理局頒發的有效的《民用航空空中交通通信導航監視設備使用許可證》(投標人需提供證書的復印件以作證明,證書須處于有效期內,若證書要求附加其他資料方為繼續有效的,須按要求附加其他資料)。
投標截止時間(開標時間):2018-07-13 09:30
聯系方式 :(8620)86121066
聯系方式 :(8620) 37860740/37860747
招標代理機構開戶銀行(人民幣): 招商銀行股份有限公司廣州體育東路支行
招標代理機構開戶銀行(美元): 中國銀行廣東省分行
賬號(人民幣): 120905690610808
賬號(美元): 718557760767
GMG International Tendering Co.,Ltd. entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.chinabidding.com on 2018-06-20.
1.Bidding Conditions
Overview:Guangzhou Dahezhang, 4 stations, VHF communication system, renewal equipment procurement project(rebid)
Source of Funds:Have been implemented
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:Have been completed
2.Bidding Content:
Bidding No:0724-1840A12W1093
Project Name:Guangzhou Dahezhang, 4 stations, VHF communication system, renewal equipment procurement project(rebid)
Place of Implementation:Guangzhou
List of Products:
NO. Product Name Quantity Main Technical Data Remarks
1 32 channel active and standby VHF system 1 details refer to Section 8
2 16 channel active and standby VHF system 1 details refer to Section 8
3 4 channel active standby VHF system 1 details refer to Section 8
4 6 channel active and standby VHF system 1 details refer to Section 8
3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder
Qualifications or Performance:1) The bidder must be an independent manufacturer engaged in the production and sale of related equipment for more than ten years, or the manufacturer's formal direct authorization for the sole sales agent for the project (agents must provide corresponding agency authorization documents, including a copy of the English original And the corresponding Chinese translation, should also provide similar product sales or installation performance). 2) The name of the bidder shall be the same as the name on the bid registration form of the bid invitation agency, otherwise its bid documents will be rejected. 3) This project does not allow consortium bids. 4) The invested equipment manufacturer must be a legal manufacturer engaged in the production of related equipment for more than 10 years. Similar products must have an international sales history of more than 3 years (including 3 years), at least in the three successful use cases of China Central Airlines with 16 channels or more master-standby equipment sharing system products, and have good quality sales. The credibility of after-sales service. (The bidder must provide a copy of the sales contract and the user's use certificate. The sales contract must be calculated at the signing time. The sales contract and the user's use certificate must reflect the time and specifications mentioned above.) 5) For the products participating in the bid, the bid documents must be accompanied by a valid "Type Approval Certificate for Radio Transmitting Equipment" issued by the Office of the Radio Regulatory Commission of the People's Republic of China. And provide the appropriate copy. 6) The equipment to be invested must obtain a valid "Civil Aviation Air Traffic Communication Navigation and Monitoring Equipment Use Permit" issued by the Civil Aviation Administration of China Civil Aviation Administration. (Bidders are required to provide a copy of the certificate as proof, and the certificate must be within the validity period.) If the certificate requires additional information to be continued to be valid, additional information must be attached as required.)
Joint Bids:NOT Available
Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available
4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:2018-06-20
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2018-06-27
Sell bidding doc online or not:No
To Obtain:On-site Purchase
Place:1F of GMG International Tendering Co., Ltd
Price of Bidding Documents: ¥1500/$230
Additional Instructions:Interested bidders may purchase tender documents from 9:00 to 11:30 in the morning from June 20, 2018 to June 27, 2018 (excluding holidays), and from 14:00 to 16:30 in the afternoon (Beijing time). The price of the bidding documents is: RMB 1,500 or USD 230. After the sale, the domestic mail-order bidding documents shall send RMB 1,600 (including RMB 100 Express Courier Fee) to the bidding agency at the above address before the end of the bidding period. The overseas mail-order bidder shall Cash, telegraphic transfer or confirmation cheques will be sent to the tendering agency at the above address (see table below) for $280 (including a $50 express mailing fee). The bid invitation agency or tenderer will send the tender documents in a timely manner by air express, but in any case the tender agency or the tenderee will not be responsible for late submission or loss during the mailing process.
5.Bid Submission
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):2018-07-13 09:30
Place of Bid:2F NO.1 Room of GMG International Tendering Co., Ltd
Place of Bid Opening:2F NO.1 Room of GMG International Tendering Co., Ltd
6.The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.chinabidding.com. And the evaluation results will be released on
7.Contact Details
Purchasers:Middle South Regional Air Traffic Management Bureau of Civil Aviation of China
Add.:#3,Nanyun Street.East,Jichang Rd.,Guangzhou
Contact:Miss Liu
Bidding Agency:GMG International Tendering Co.,Ltd.
Add.:726,Dongfeng Rd. East,Guangzhou
Contact:Miss.Zeng /Mr.Chen/Mr.Gao
Tel :(8620) 37860740/37860747
8.Remittance Approach
Bank(RMB):China Merchants Bank Guangzhou TiyudongRoad Branch
Bank(USD):Bank of China, Guangdong Branch
Account NO.(RMB):120905690610808
Account NO.(USD):718557760767